Saturday, May 16, 2009

Use of Update Override Properties In Target

Mapping : Target Properties
Update Override
Informatica supports Update stretegy transformation to update/insert/delete operations on Target. If we need to process insert timestamp for insert scenario and Update timestamp for Update scenario.Generaly, We will use 2 UPDATE STRETEGY transformations to achieve this functionality. Think If we have a complex mapping with more then 10 Targets, Then we need to use 20 UPDATE STRETEGY transformations.
It will increase Mapping complexity and execution time. It will create a mess in mapping.

Lets do it in decent way, We can make this mapping simple and fast.
Take SYSDATE as a temperory column in a transformation. Link it with insert timestamp and update timestamp columns. Now open TARGET property in mapping. Select UPDATE OVERRIDE property.Generate the default update statement. Take update timestamp and remove insert timestamp column from default update statement. Now when update scenario will come, only update timestamp will be updated.

This DB type is basically used in data warehousing, to implement increamental logic. When Table stores insert timestamp and update timestamp.

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