Sunday, May 24, 2009

pmcmd : Unix command to control Informatica Workflow

pmcmd command is used to control informatica repository events thru Unix, When informatica server is an Unix server. Since Unix is a very powerful and command end to interact with multiple data storage sources (flatfile, oracle, sql server, xml etc.). We can check for a indicator file and execute/stop/abort a session/workflow.In this way, we can reduce various task/commands and whole dataflow will be automated at an extend.
Session specific,
pmcmd stoptask -s $server_name -u $user_name -p $pass -f $folder -w $wkf $sess
Keys :
stoptask : To stop a task
gettaskdetails : To retrieve task details
starttask : To Execute a task
aborttask : To abort a task
waittask : To Run a task in wait mode
workflow specific,
pmcmd startworkflow-s $server_name -u $user_name -p $pass -f $folder $wkf
Keys :
stopworkflow : To stop a workflow
getworkflowdetails : To retrieve workflow details
startworkflow : To Execute a workflow
abortworkflow : To abort a workflow
waitworkflow : To Run a workflow in wait mode

pmcmd command with parameter file
pmcmd startworkflow-s $server_name -u $user_name -p $pass -f $folder -paramfile paramfile_name -wait $wkf

Apart from these pmcmd command options , various utility options available
(check informatica help file for details)


Unknown said...

This info is nice and helpful for beginners....

Anonymous said...

it is good yaar

Anonymous said...

but in my case it is not working